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Patrick G. Schmid, PhD

Vice President,
The Institutes’ RiskBlock Alliance

Patrick G. Schmid, PhD is an economist and Vice President of The Institutes’ RiskBlock Alliance—a risk management and insurance blockchain consortium. Dr. Schmid offers blockchain thought leadership for The Institutes and coordinates the RiskBlock consortium of insurers, brokers, reinsurers and TPAs. He collaborates with industry-backed working groups in developing blockchain-based proof-of-concepts (PoCs) and guides efforts to turn these PoCs into production-ready applications that can lower costs, improve the customer experience and drive efficiency across the insurance industry.

Dr. Schmid formerly served as the head of The Institutes' Enterprise Research department, where he led a teams of data scientists and researchers in developing analytical solutions and insurance market insights. He has also served as the Director of Research for the Insurance Research Council (IRC), a division of The Institutes. In this role, he led efforts to study public policy-related insurance issues. He has a PhD and MA in economics from Temple University. He has taught economics and finance at a number of Philadelphia-area colleges and universities. Prior to working in the insurance industry, he worked as an economist for Moody's Analytics.