Stimulating unique research authored by the next generation of insurance leaders.
The RGA Leaders of Tomorrow is designed to support a leadership trajectory for a select group who represent the rising stars of the industry.
The program cultivates the next generation of decision makers by attracting and motivating key talent, stimulating creative thinking on
strategic issues, promoting deeper engagement across core business functions, expanding global peer networks, and providing access to
senior executives’ cross-sector networks and coaching from seasoned executives.
The program culminates with the publication of original papers submitted by the RGA Leaders of Tomorrow participants and a special session
for the candidates at the IIS Global Insurance Forum. One candidate is selected for the RGA Leaders of Tomorrow Leadership Award and
recognized at the IIS Awards Ceremony before an audience of global industry executives.
Congratulations to the 2023 RGA Leaders of Tomorrow Leadership Award Recipient
Felicia Er
Chief Risk Officer, MSIG Asia Pte Ltd
Designed to support a leadership trajectory for a select group who represent the rising stars of the industry.