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Ball State
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Country: USA

Ball State has offered Insurance courses since the early 1970s and a concentration was approved in the late '70s. In 1989, the university approved a major in Insurance, and a minor followed in the 1990s.

Ball State offers a robust Risk Management and Insurance (RMI) Program with nine undergraduate courses. The RMI courses include Principles of Risk Management and Insurance, Insurance Company Operations, Commercial Risk Management and Insurance, Employee Benefits and Retirement Planning (including Life and Health Insurance), Insurance Law, Corporate Risk Management, Healthcare Risk Management, Internship, and Independent Study. Two master’s courses in Risk Management and Insurance are offered. Ball State also offers an undergraduate and graduate degree in Actuarial Science.

The RMI Program has been ranked in the top ten in size by Risk Management Magazine and Business Insurance and has ranked #1 in the number of students achieving the University Associate – Certified Risk Manager (UACRM) Designation.

Over 200 students take Principles of Risk Management and Insurance each semester. Students in RMI courses earn credit for Chartered Property and Casualty Underwriter (CPCU) Courses, Certified Insurance Counselor (CIC) Institutes, and Certified Risk Manager (CRM) Courses.

Three award winning RMI faculty lead the program. Steve Avila, John Fitzgerald, and Kevin Gatzlaff have won the Miller College of Business Outstanding Teacher Award. Faculty have published in Journal of Risk and Insurance; Risk Management and Insurance Review; Journal of Insurance Regulation; Journal of Insurance Issues; and other leading journals.

The RMI Program Advisory Board, consisting of industry leaders, assists in guiding and supporting the RMI Program. Ball State University has been a leader in Risk Management and Insurance education, service, and research for decades and will continue this tradition for years to come.

Degrees offered: Bachelors; Masters course(s) offered as part of MBA program.

Course listings:
RMI 270 Principles of Risk Management and Insurance
RMI 330 Employee Benefits and Retirement Planning
RMI 369 Internship in Risk Management and Insurance
RMI 377 Operations of Insurance Enterprises
RMI 378 Commercial Risk Management and Insurance
RMI 401 Health Care Risk Management
RMI 473 Insurance Law
RMI 474 Corporate Risk Management
RMI 497 Independent Study in Risk Management and Insurance


Steve Avila, PhD, CPCU
Professor, Risk Management and Insurance
Co-Director, Center for Actuarial Science, Insurance and Risk Management
Department of Finance and Insurance, WB 301
Miller College of Business
Ball State University
Muncie, Indiana 47306

Ball State University Career Center
Jeff Eads
Senior Assistant Director
Career Center
Lucina Hall 220
Ball State University
Muncie, IN 47306
Phone: 765-285-1522