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From Youthful Image to Aging Reality: Rethinking Korea’s Pensions for a Super-Aged Society

Jaeyoon Lee, Assistant Manager, Corporate Pension Division Investment Consulting Team, Kyobo Life Insurance Company, Ltd.

Executive Summary

This paper, titled "From Youthful Image to Aging Reality: Rethinking Korea's Pensions for a Super-Aged Society," explores the stark contrast between South Korea's youthful global image and the rapidly aging reality it faces. 

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Spreading risk among many is termed as Insurance1a Spreading risk can be as simple as multi-member group in hunting to spread risk of being the one to be insured or killed by animals, or shipping cargo in batches so that entire shipment is not lost.

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by Nagib Amara, Head of Inforce Management, Group Risk Management, AXA Group

Why a topic about life insurance and social inequality? 

Improving Retirement Outcomes: Opportunities to treat the symptoms and underlying causes

by Steve Cramer, Senior Vice President & Chief Product Officer, Retirement Division, Protective Life Insurance Company

Bridging the retirement income protection gap - Tomorrow’s challenge but today’s opportunity

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1.  A protection gap less-talked-about

Few could dispute that many of the world’s largest economies have aging populations. With public and empoyer-sponsored pension systems gradually decreasing in scope and significance, the elderly increasingly must shoulder the burden of saving adequately for their retirement years. It is a challenge many underestimate and do not adequately prepare for.